Returns Policy

Returns Policy

Order Cancellation Policy
We work hard to process your order right away, so cancellations may not be possible if your package has already shipped. If you want to cancel an order that’s been shipped, please review our return policy and take steps for a return. Sometimes, orders flagged as potentially fraudulent or not meeting our requirements may be canceled at any time, and the charge will be returned to your original payment method within 3 to 10 business days.

100% Satisfaction & 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
We believe in our products and know they’ll exceed your expectations. But if for any reason you need a refund, we offer a 100% refund on eligible items purchased within the first 30 days, no questions asked. All products are covered by our 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee (unless otherwise specified on the product detail page) when used according to directions.

Possible cases:

  • Case 1: Order prepared but not shipped: We’ll refund the full product cost, including taxes.
  • Case 2: Product damaged during transit or faulty product received: Send us a photo of the product within 30 days for a replacement, otherwise, no refund will be issued.
  • Case 3: Order has been shipped: We cannot cancel or modify the order. It’s the customer’s responsibility to send the package back in original packaging. We’ll refund the product cost, but shipping charges remain your responsibility.
  • Case 4: Product doesn’t meet your expectations: Our 100% Satisfaction and 30-Day Money Back Guarantee has you covered. Send the product back in its original packaging, and we’ll refund the product cost upon receipt. Note that two-way shipping costs will be deducted from your refund (even if you had free shipping).


  1. No returns/refunds allowed on products if specified on product detail page.
  2. No returns/refunds allowed on international orders.
  3. Return postage is the customer’s responsibility. If you use our discounted return shipping label, a refund will be issued after reducing the return shipping cost. Orders shipped under free shipping promotion will have both shipping fee and return postage deducted from the final refund.

Changed your mind? How to cancel an order?
If your order hasn’t shipped yet, contact our customer service team via online chat, WhatsApp, or email at, and a team member can cancel your order. If your order has shipped, we can’t modify or cancel it, and you’ll need to return it to us after receiving it.

How long does my refund take?
Refunds will be processed when we receive your returned item(s). Refunds will be issued via your original payment method and may take up to 10 days to appear in your account. This applies to items with proof of purchase that are in new, unused, and resalable condition with undamaged original packaging.

Can all products be returned?
Unfortunately, we don’t accept returns of used items that have been removed from their packaging, such as essential oils with opened lids. If you’re unsure whether a product can be returned, please contact our customer service team.

Returning a Faulty or Damaged Item
Damaged or faulty items can be returned for a full refund or exchange. Please contact our customer service team within 48 hours of collection or delivery to inform us of your damaged or faulty item and to arrange your return. If any items are missing from your delivery, please let us know within 48 hours of receiving your goods. Please note, if items are damaged, faulty, or misdescribed, we will pay the cost of return.

Items can be exchanged within 30 days of receiving, providing they are in a resalable condition and are not one of our stated non-returnable items. Items can be exchanged for any other item(s) of the same value, or if you do not wish to exchange there and then, a credit memo can be issued for the value of the returned items which can be redeemed in-store or online at any time.